to pass an examination中文什么意思

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  1. To be qualified for registration as a grade c electrical worker , applicants without formal academic qualification are required to pass an examination approved by the director
  2. To be qualified for registration as a grade b electrical worker , applicants without formal academic qualification are required to pass an examination approved by the director of ems
  3. Under the optometrists registration and disciplinary procedure regulation , any person practising optometry without a recognised professional qualification is required to pass an examination before he is granted a practising certificate
  4. Any electrical worker without formal academic qualification who wishes to be qualified for registration as a grade c electrical worker is required to pass an examination approved or set by the director of electrical mechanical services
  5. Carries on the live pig and other meat domestic animals after our company slaughters and technology and so on meat classification trains 6 months tests to pass an examination , achieved three levels are hired , can skilled grasp the live pig and other meat domestic animals slaughters and technology and so on meat classification


  1. to pass a bill 什么意思
  2. to pass a bill, to carry a bill 什么意思
  3. to pass a decision 什么意思
  4. to pass a message 什么意思
  5. to pass an area 什么意思
  6. to pass away 什么意思
  7. to pass away to depart 什么意思
  8. to pass control to 什么意思
  9. to pass one an order 什么意思
  10. to pass out 什么意思


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